If the title of this blog jumped out at you, then I guess you are also a busy woman, and/or mum who is trying to stay on top of the constant stress and overwhelming life expectations, not to mention our hormones. There can be so much to think about on any given day to try and stay on top of our health goals which can be difficult but there are certain things that we can manage on our own.
Things such as:
- Our nutrition
- Exercise/Movement
- Practising self-care etc
… but when it comes to our hormones, it can be tricky to navigate!!
Let’s face it, being a woman and having to deal with our hormones can be challenging at the best of times, and the more assistance we have in this area, the better!
This is why I am over the moon that I discovered NuWoman 30 PLUS, and I am now onboard as a spokesperson for them. I have been taking 30 PLUS since March, and I am so thrilled to now be able to share my success story with you.
It can take 8-12 weeks but for me it only took a few weeks for this amazing and natural nutritional supplement to work, and I am here today to tell you that it has worked wonders.
Please watch the video below, and have a listen to how impactful this supplement has been for me, and how it can assist you if you feel like you struggle with things such as fluid retention, feeling overwhelmed and anxious, feeling irritated and moody, not to mention the awful bloat (especially at that time of the month).
So in summary:
NuWoman 30 PLUS is made from natural ingredients with no nasties. It’s designed to help you manage all those unwanted extras from your hormones like mood swings, anxiousness, pre-menstrual issues, sugar cravings, emotional outbursts and feeling irritated & overwhelmed.
I can not recommend it highly enough which is why I have organised a discount for my female friends. To give 30 PLUS a try, head over to their website: https://www.30plus.co.nz and use my code Justine15 to get 15% off.
Here is to us living our best life, in the most seamless way possible.
Yours in happy hormone health
Juzzy xx
Website: https://www.30plus.co.nz
Discount code Justine15 to get 15% off