The supplements I suggest for overall health and wellbeing and one of my FAVE smoothie recipes!

Juz Bsc
Hey lovely! Here is the list of my ‘go to’ supplements and also instructions on how you can get 30% off when you order online from my sponsor BODYSCIENCE.

Supplements I suggest that will help you with weight loss and overall health and wellbeing are:

  • A good protein powder for pre and/or post training- there are so many on their site so find one that will work for you. I use Hydroxy Burn Shred and I also like to use the Bsc naturals protein powder that is plant based.
  • Greens Powder – Greens are ESSENTIAL on a daily basis.  They are great to add into your smoothies for that extra hit of vitamins and nutrients. Body Science dont do this anymore unfortunately but get some from your health food store.
  • BCAA’s- (Branch chain amino acid’s) are great for intra workout, helps with recovery and repair.
  • Glutamine- great for recovery, take at night before bed.
  • L-Carnitine for fat burning, take it in the morning and before training.
  • Magnesium (ZMA) is great to take before bed.
  • Fish Oils are essential and unfortunately Bsc don’t do these anymore but if you need some I can order you some through another company, email me
  • Green Tea TX100 is also great for energy and fat loss. I add a sachet into my smoothies! Great alternative to coffee!
  • It is also a good idea to get a decent multi vitamin and take 1000mg of Vit C everyday. 

Click the link below to go straight to their site and follow the instructions there on how to register your details so that you get your 30% off.


Have a good look around their site as their compression garments are also awesome, I love wearing the compression tights and compression bra’s when I train. They are the best I have come across. (see image below)


Below is one of my fave smoothie recipes using body science supps. Give it a try, I know you will LOVE it!

✅1/2 Banana
✅Almond milk and water
✅ dash of cinnamon
✅Tsp Natural Peanut butter
✅ handful of baby spinach
✅ Ice .
✅Scoop of @bscnaturals vanilla protein
✅ One sachet of the bodyscience green tea TX100 for extra energy✔️✔️

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Happy shopping my friend as I know how expensive all these extras can be so make the most of the 30% off 🙂

Yours in Health

Juz xx



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