My very own 12 week transformation stats!

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Looking back at the last 12 weeks I am so pleased that I embarked on this photo shoot prep. I was never in bad shape but there were things that I certainly needed to tidy up. Also, I have loved having a goal again and having that feeling of having something to aim for. I have in NO way stopped living during these past 12 weeks and have had nights out with friends and still had the odd red wine at home. For me, when I have a goal I actually live in a more positive place and am more productive in my business and in life. Eating more complex carbs has been the biggest thing that I changed and also reducing the fats that I eat. I also cut out all processed sugars (not that I ate a lot of them anyway). My training was a mixture of strength training with RPM, I didn’t add in anymore training to what I was already doing. The results that have happened were due to the change in my diet, hormones and my mindset. My bio signature was done on Sunday and I was blown away by the results that I achieved!

2 kgs muscle gain ??
Weight- stayed the same ??
Body fat has dropped by 5% ???

Today we fly to up Brisbane, I am so excited to get up there and do some filming for Good price pharmacy tomorrow and then shoot with Dallas Olsen on Thursday. Hard work pays off peeps!!! When you open your mind to opportunities and believe that you’re worth it, the good stuff truly does happen!! ???????

As always if you have any questions or comments or need me to help point you in the right direction then please shoot me an email or CLICK HERE  for information on my online training and nutrition plans and choose a plan that will work for you!


Yours in health

Juzzy xx