
I’ve followed Justine on social media for a while and was was excited to hear about Fit Healthy Mums. After giving birth to my first baby back in October 2013, I had already had one failed attempt at doing a program with someone inexperienced in post natal care. This did more harm than good – specifically further damaging my pelvic floor. Moving forward, I knew I needed a program written by professionals and I was relieved to learn that Justine’s program involved the input of a physio and nutritionist.

I am now 7 weeks in and I couldn’t feel better! Results wise I am down 2 dress sizes and 4.5kgs. But the real success is, once again I am confident in myself and proud of my body – a feeling I was really struggling to get to on my own. I’ve still got a while to go but I am motivated and believe in myself again.

The meal plan has been very satisfying (not an easy feat when you are vegetarian/gluten free) and most importantly easy to prepare.  I love that you can bulk cook for other days as it really suits the busy lifestyle of a mum! The home exercise program has also been challenging whilst ensuring I slowly develop my strength back without injury.

I am looking forward to signing up to the next program! Thank you Justine and your team at Fit Healthy Mums!
